Pathways to Health (P2H) addresses the health inequality students face by empowering them to build on their many talents and knowledge. This is achieved through workshops and mentoring by healthcare professionals. The health education programme covers topics outlined by the Government's PSHE Guidelines. Workshops can occur in any age group and between the ages of 16-19-years old students can apply to Pathways to Health Pioneers.
Workshop 1
Health Prevention & Basic First Aid
Workshop 2
Healthy Eating and Alcohol, Tobacco & Drugs
Workshop 3
Mental Wellbeing & Internet Safety
Workshop 4
Physical Health
Workshop 5
Adolescence, Relationships & Sexual Health

Primary School
Our workshops, teaching style, and health information our adapted to the age and needs of students. We are guided by schools on how best to deliver health knowledge to their students.
Schools can partner with us at any stage they feel is appropriate for their students. Partnership from Primary School is not a requirement.
Secondary School
The topics covered in our workshops merely act as a guide and can be adapted to cover specific topics that you feel your students need. The time needed and when workshops are delivered can also be adapted to your school's needs.
Workshops are ideally delivered face-to-face due to their interactive nature but can be delivered online. We suggest the workshops happen on a monthly basis and can take up to three hours.
Sixth Form
Topics covered are delivered in more detail to match the needs of sixth form students. In addition more sensitive topics will be covered.
At this stage students will also be eligible to apply to Pathways to Health Pioneers.
Health Pioneer
By the end of the programme students will have covered all of the PSHE topics and be equipped with health knowledge to ensure they, and their community, live a healthy life.
Partnership With Your School
Access to PTH workshops tailored to your students' health needs.
Support and advice for you and your students on how to improve health within the school.
Priority for your students applying to the Pathways to Health Pioneers programme.
Priority tickets for your students to our annual Health Pioneers Conference.