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Mentorship to Health

Application Information

Who Can Apply?

Any student in Year 12, Year 13, Gap Year or Under 25-years-old studying/studied at a state school or non-fee-paying in London.

How to Complete The Application​

The application enables us to learn more about you and to determine if you meet any of the widening participation criteria universities set. There are questions on your demographics, academic scores, your motivations to applying to university and any barriers you feel you may encounter to achieving your goals. We advice you complete this with the guidance of your teachers and parents.      


This questionaire provides us with demographic information to help us determine if you meet any of the widening participation criteria outlined by universities. You will need to know whether you are eligible for free school meals or Pupil Premium, and your household income and highest education level of your parents/guardians. We advice you speak to your teachers and parents about this section. 

Academic Performance 

This page gives us information on your academic performance, your aspirations and begins the process of drafting your personal statement. You will need to know your GCSE results and predicted grades for this section.

Personal Statement 

Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell us more about yourself and your motivations for applying for your chosen subject, you can also include the following:

  • Why you want to apply for your chosen subject.

  • Your future aspirations.

  • Why you wish to apply to the Mentorship to Health programme.

  • Extra-curricular and super-curricular activities that you participate in and would support your personal statement. This can include books, clubs, webinars, podcasts, work experience, volunteering etc. 

  • Hobbies and interests.

  • Any personal/extenuating circumstances you would like to make us aware of. 

Your personal statement is a maximum of 300 words.


This page enables us to understand if there are any barriers you may encounter when applying to university and to find ways to overcome them. 


This page enables us to get a reference from a teacher/supervisor within your school/college. Please let them know we will be in contact. 


Advice for Referees

Thank you for agreeing to be your student’s referee for the Mentorship to Health programme. As part of the programme, you will receive information on events and opportunities taking place for your students. We will also get in contact with you if we need support with your student.​

Please click here to read more about how we can support your school and students.

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